
Laman Istana Maziah

Laman Istana Maziah

Laman Istana Maziah or Courtyard of Maziah Palace is a small park outside the compound of the Istana Maziah.The only thing that divide the palace and this beautiful park is the fence which fence the perimeter of the Maziah Palace.

The courtyard of Istana Maziah is open to the public by the permission of the Sultan of Terengganu as a gift to all his people and all visitor for leisurely walk around the palace compound and a place to spend some time with family after hour of working.

The Laman Istana Maziah is very popular by the city folks to bring they family here for walks and some photo session in the afternoons including filming. Beside the local this place is also the most popular tourist spot in Terengganu. Tourist and traveller will stop here to see and gave at the unique architecture of the Istana Maziah and also to rest here after visiting the town are of Kuala Terengganu before visiting the Kubu Bukit Puteri (Bukit Puteri Fort) and Bukit Puteri Lighthouse which lies on top of Puteri hill. (a small fort that was build during civil war in Terengganu in 1830s) and the Lighthouse can be see on the up most righ corner of this picture.

Within the park, there are many small tree and flower that are plant here. In the early morning, the air at the ground will be fill with soft flowering scent. Here in the park, you can find unique colourful walking pavement, which had built for the conveniences of many visitor including physically challenge people to easily mobiles around the small park.
There is also a small marquee and a Tepak Sirih monument which is built to greet the visitor to the small park.. As tepak sirih (a small gold/brass tray used to keep betel nut leaves and its condiments) is a common welcoming symbol in Malay culture where since the early malay cillvisation the tepak sirih are use to serve the betel nut leaves , the monument is no doubt a sign of welcome to all visitors of the palace's park.


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