
Terengganu State Museum

The Main Entrance of Museum Losong

Terengganu State Museum Complex.
The Biggest Museum in South East Asia .Normally known by the local as Museum Losong which is prized by the people of Terengganu. As the largest museum in the South East Asia that houses century's worth of historical artefacts and artworks are a must visit by anyone visiting Terengganu.

Just 3km south of Kuala Terengganu towards Losong, and you will come upon an majestic complexes, the Terengganu State Museum Complex located by the river and in the hilly area of Bukit Losong or Losong Hill. At the main entrance, you will see the original (Inscribes tone) Batu Bersurat of Terengganu. The historical stone is put here as a proof of Terengganu being the earliest to be touch deeply by Islamic influence.

 The museum features unique historical artefacts and prominently displays The Terengganu and Malaysia's rich and colourful heritage in its many galleries including the Islamic Gallery, the Royal Gallery, the Crafts Gallery, the Textile Gallery, the Nature Gallery, the Petroleum Gallery, and also showing contemporary and Morden arts and tools and many others that are display in over 10 galleries.

Terengganu Traditional House

Terengganu was an active trading relationship with its neighbouring countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia and the whole Nusantara .These influence have lent shape to the Terengganu Traditional house. The Terengganu Traditional house are famous with its Sobek woodcarving where beautiful patterns of flora and Islamic influence are infuse together to crated a and impressive house

The Grand museum, itself is an impressive architectural feat with majestic complexes covering a vast area of 27.9 hectares. The museum is gardened by the calm Terengganu river, therefore making it accessible by road or water. An old Istana or Palace of Terengganu are moved here .This historical Istana which were made by with out nail are an impressive old architectural feat of the Malay supreme woodcarving and craftsmanship. Many traditional boats of Terengganu, where some them are a few century old are also on display in the museum's compound. It can be seen far away from the rooftop of some tall buildings in the city centre of Kuala Terengganu or at the Sultan Mahmud Bridge

Museum Losong, are design and build by the famous , the well-known Terengganu-born royalties ,architect and heritage conservationist HNR Prince YM Raja Datuk Kamarul Bahrin Shah .The Muzeum were build base on the inspiration of Traditional House 'Rumah Tele'

The Tradisional Boat at the Museum Losong

The Terengganu State Museum Complex consists of a Main Museum, a Maritime Museum, a Fisheries Museum, four extinct Terengganu traditional houses, a botanic and herbs gardens.

The Maritime Museum, which is part of the complex, has an impressive collection of traditional boats – many of which are locally build – dating back to the 18th century which is the Golden age of . Other displays illustrate the importance of the fishing and ship building industry in Terengganu.

The Main Museum is built on 16 stilts, in accordance with the traditional architecture of Terengganu.Here vistor will find some of the rare Malay Tradisional house and palace that had been move here. Its 4 blocks are adjoined, to represent a big family. The museum was officially opened by the late Sultan of Terengganu Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafi Billah Shah on April 20, 1996.

The museum were constructed to face the river on an east-west axis. This concept was implemented based on the fact that the traditional method of transportation is by way of the waterways (rivers). Visitors can also to accessto the Museum via the waterway(Visitor can hire a boat at Pasar Payang Jetty). For greater efficiency, a jetty for the visitors had also been built.

Bukit Losong where the museum is located has quite an interesting background. It is the place where the ancient Hulubalang /Warrior use to use this place as secret passage,shortcut and hiding place during the long forgotten war. Now The Losong/Secret passage had now become the place for seeking knowledge and delicious 'keropok lekor' and the famous “Pengkalan Keropok Lekor center”
For more information please visit the Terengganu State Museum Official Website at

The Terengganu State Museum at Losong


would you happen to know the email address of the museum.

i can't seem to find it.

please mail me @



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Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

- David


does this museum have a official website. i am trying to find some old photos and information of refugee camp in the late 70's and its not Bidong.


A boat people Legacy

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