
Hutan Lipur Lata Payung

Hutan Lipur Lata Payung

Hutan Lipur Lata Payung or Recreational Forest of Lata Payung are located at The Forest Reserve of Gunung Tebu (Mount Tebu) ,in Daerah Besut (District Besut) and Setiu. The forest reserve is a dikprtokal hill forest with conifer forest at the top of Gunung Tebu. There are many unique and abundant of flora and fauna that can be found here.

The Forest Reserve of Gunung Tebu is most famous for its Gunung Tebu, which is the main attraction to the many Malaysian and tourist who came here to see Mount Tebu or to hike it. For anyone who want a bit of challenge or outdoor activities in Terengganu, then why not have a hike at Mount Tebu by following the trail up to the submit. The trail are prepare by the forestry department and trust me the hike here will test your mental strength and stamina.

What fascinated me about Gunung Tebu is the large horde of student and college kid including some primary student who came just to hike Gunung Tebu (especially during school holiday, college, and University semesters breaks. The Gunung Tebu is also the most favourite place for uniform member to test they skill, most of them are Scout member from all part of Malaysia that came here to earn their scout badge and testing they skill.

Beside the Gunung Tebu the forest reserve is also famous to the many biologist, birdwatcher, researcher and scientists as this is the only place where many of the rare species of flora and fauna that are hard to find at in the many state of Malaysia can be found here in one place.

Visitor can also enjoy some jungle trekking along the trek that are well organise by the Forestry Department to educated many simple layman of the many flora and fauna of the forest and its benefit and the important of conservation of the forest and its effect to human kind. The waterfall here are beautiful that you will enjoy having a dip in its cold and refreshing river that are so clear that many children will enjoy looking at the many little fish and little shrimp that can be found here.

Visitor at the Recreational Forest of Lata Payung are allowed to camp here as they are many camping spot to be found here along the many scout member. Visitor can also bring they own food for picnic or have BBQ here using the BBQ stove here except for the tool to burn the Food and charcoal which you bring yourself.
You can also can go for a leisure walk along jungle trail in the park to see the many wild life that can be seen here or you can go see the exhibitont of the forest which are prepare in the park where visitor can learn about herb, plant, tree and animal.

TO GET TO Recreational Forest of Lata Payung

To get here visitor can use they own transportation or public transportation like airplane ,bas or taxi from KL to Kuala Terengganu to (Town Pekan Seri Langkap , where you can use your own transportation or public transportation like bas and taxi to the Recreational Forest.

The Recreational Forest of Lata Payung is 25 Km from Pekan Seri Langkap and can be reachable by (highway) Jalanraya Pekan Seri Langkap-Lata Payung or 65 KM from Kuala Terengganu.


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