

Perahu Payang
Are  traditional  sampan  of  Terengganu  that  reflects  the  identity  of its people. The Sampan are called  Payang and  Kolek. Its largely in use till today as it identified the deep culture that are etched deep in the life.

Perahu Payang orPerahu Kolek are built specially for  river  and coastal area. In the past both are use only in fishing activities, and as a transportation from village to village.

The Perahu Payang (drag-net boat) is the largest traditional Terengganu fishing boat, named due to the usage of payang (drag-net) netting. The Payang boat is normally used for deep sea fishing activities operated by 15 crews on board. Measuring at 14.2 meter long, 2.27 meter wide and 3.10 meter high, the Payang boat is propelled using wind power blowing on its two sails thrusting it forward into the sea.

In the past, these boats were mostly found in Setiu district, especially along the Kuala Setiu Coastline. However, the boats were also used in other districts along the coast from Kuala Setiu until Kuala Kemaman.

For those that wish to experience sailing with Perahu Payang and Perayu Kolek then you are in luck. There are many people that provide service such as river cruise that can be found at Jeti Shahbandar near Pasar Payang and TTI River Cruise at Taman Tamadun Islam, Pulau Wan Mam

The  river  cruise takes you  on scenic  tour  upriver, to  Seberang Takir  fishing  village, the  Duyong  Island where you can also to visit renowned  traditional  boat making there,  dock  at  the  Islamic  Civilization  Park  for  a  close  view  of  the grandiosity  of  the new Crystal  Mosque - the  first  in  the  country - and  awe struck with replicas of world famous mosques.

The river cruise also takes you further  upriver  to  the  State  Museum  for  an  educational  heritage  visit.  Or just  sit  back  and  let  your  boatmen take  you  on  a  lazy  round  trip  of the Terengganu River, watching the world goes by.

Read more of the Difference of Perahu Payang and Perahu Kolek

The Design of the Perahu Payang and Perahu Kolek


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