
Marang Beach

Marang Beach


Marang Beach also called Pantai Kelulut lies between Marang and Rantau Abang. The beach at the bustling reverie Marang Fishing Village is widely acknowledged as the most advantageous point along the east coast to witness and photograph the most spectacular daily sunrise in whole Malaysia. White sandy beach with green emerald like sea is an ideal place for swimming, sunbathing, enjoying a picnic with the whole family, or camping here while waiting for the beautiful sunrise.

Visitor will be captivated by its natural beuty and quite serenity. Where the pine tree that stretch along the beach provides a good hide-away feature for nature lovers.

Beside that visitor can also go to the nearby Marang Fishing Village to look and see the culture and lifestyle of its people. The Village here loos like it been suspended in time in the 60’s or 70’s not much had change here.

Well maybe except of the motorise boat, TV, Satellite T.V with is only RM68 per month (watching HBO, Cartoon Network, ESPN, EPL, Discovery channel and such) , and also Rock metal song that can be hear been play by some of the youth. Compare with the elder who play many of the old record from the 60’s till the 80’s like P.Ramlee, Saloma, M Daub ,S Jibeng and more.

Speaking of TV in the past 2 year since 2004, Malaysia had been struck by the Reallity show fenomena e.g; Malaysia Idol and Akademi Fantasia, American Idol,Pop Idol and such. Which cause many of the village’s Warung kopi ( wooden coffee shop with no wall) heavily packed by the fan and they supporters during the weekend.

But with the world Cup Season Now what you can hear is all about World Cup and every night have become a World Cup Gathering..


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