
TOWN TAXI in Kuala Terengganu

Kuala Terengganu Taxi Terminal is just opposite the Town Bus Terminal. The town  taxi  provides  interstate  and  inter  district  journey.  If you wanted  to share  to  cost, you will  have  to  wait  for  other  passengers  but if you want to charter  the  whole  cab,  the  cab  driver  will  immediately  depart to  your destination  of  choice. 

In other district, its Taxi Terminal are connected with the District Bus Terminal

Most  taxi  that  offers  trips  within  Kuala  Terengganu are available at the taxi terminal while some waits at the hotel lobby. Get the assistance  of  the  hotel  reception  should  you  urgently  needs  a  cab  for  your immediate transfers.

PS: Starting 13 January 2013. The Taxi Terminal are now temporary  relocated to the Mini BUS Station area  as seen bellow at the Bus Terminal Station



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