
Hutan Lipur Air Menderu & Air Tejun Menderu

Hutan Lipur Air Menderu which means recreational forest of gushing water or Recreational Forest of Air Menderu are located at Hutan Simpan Rasau Kerteh or Rasau Kerteh Forest Reserve which is a lowland forest.

At this hutan lipur many kind of flora and fauna can be seen while passing through the forest track like colourful musroom ,wild fower and wild orchid and animal. There are many public amenity that are well prepared by the Forest department for the convenient of many visitor that came here like resting hut, public toilet, changing room, pavement, water supply, and camp site for those who wish to spend more time with nature.

Being bless with abundant of flora and fauna and beautiful waterfall and rapid, an assortment of activities can be done here like picnic, camping, or have a dip at the irresistible cool shallow stream or at the many waterfall here and trekking.

Here visitor can also take a stroll and see the wild life here while trekking along the jungle trek that had been prepare by the forest department. Beside that visitor can also visit the forestry department in Hutan Lipur Air Menderu to see the botani garden and exhibition of tree ,insect, and animal that can be found here like herb and they medical function and forest product that are now been cormecialy.

Hutan Lipur Air Menderu are located 10 km from Pekan Kerteh , 120 km from The City Centre of Kuala Terengganu

Getting Here To Hutan Lipur Air Menderu
To reach here visitor can use your own car or take a taxi straight from the KT Airport to Hutan Lipur Air Menderu or transfer from Kuala Terengganu to (town) Pekan Kerteh taxi before taking another taxi to the Hutan Lipur air Menderu.
Location: Kerteh, Terengganu

The Address:
District Forestry Officer.
Pejabat Hutan Daerah Terengganu Selatan,
23000 Dungun,Terengganu.
Tel. : 09-8441404


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